Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Best Waiter in Addis Ababa!

April 8 - This afternoon Carrie and I felt like a good old fashioned American lunch (cheeseburger, fries and a Coke), so Yosef took us to his top recommendation: Roomi Burger. We had the good fortune of meeting Amdeselassie Tamiru. He was our waiter extraordinaire and a fan of all things American, especially movies. He was so good to us.  He said he's saving his tips so one day he can visit America.  And if he achieves his goal, you can all meet him because he'll be staying with us in Utah.  When I told him that we're also Orthodox Christians, he became so excited and promised to get me a special hand carved cross for the local Orthodox church.  It will be my honor to wear it. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so disappointed in you Brian. You need to stuff yourself full of coffee and injera while you're there. You can have a burger and coke when you come home ;) Just kidding. By the way, Selena and I read your blog often, which is updated a lot more often than I thought it would be. Enjoy yourself! Can't wait to meet the little one! One day she'll realize how extremely lucky she is.
