Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day Six

April 27 - Turns out TG likes the box her shoes came in as much as she likes her shoes... maybe more. She has turned it into a purse/lunch box/toy chest/supply cabinet. She enjoys putting things in, arranging them neatly, then taking them out again and starting over. 

Here, she spied one of her waiter friends walk by. I think she's trying to tell us it's lunch time. 

This is TG's first solo bath!  Each previous night she's needed some help from mom in the tub, but this evening she decided she was ready to try it alone. No turnin' back now. 

All cleaned up and ready for dinner. She's explaining to us that she's ready to go NOW!


  1. She is so so darling!!! I love her purse! My grandchildren (and every other kid I know) always love the boxes as much or more that the real thing too. That smile and grin when she was on your lap is priceless!!

  2. Oh my goodness, she is so sweet! Can't wait to meet her and glad everything is going so well for you all.
